A Page Of Query Loop Posts Like This, Can Showcase A Lot Of Information In A Digestible Way

1st Class Paving & Landscaping
If you have a van having it covered in your livery is a great way to attract more clients in the same street. If you have a website I can supply the correct type of files for your sign writer.

Adding Text To A Template To Simplify Creating Posts
Template help experts and novices to create new content quicker.

Agglomeration – Why Offices Work!
Agglomeration – specialisation, people working in teams to generate goods and services.

Bubbles – The Unsung Heroes In Life…
Bubbles one of the key ingredients of life on earth yet we take them for granted.

Climate Change? The Answer Is In The Rocks!
Despite what most people think sea level is not fixed it has varied enormously over the past 25,000 years. Whilst not a secret few people know this fact.

Designing Out Cost
Sandy Munro points out how smart people save costs. Most businesses and organisations do not follow these principles, if they did, that would make a big difference.

There is no escaping great pictures help make it easier to create an engaging website. Particularly if your gift is to be able to paint classic cars

Extracting Floating Plastic Rubbish from Rivers
For many years I have thought for that someone should do exactly what this video does, but I have never taken that thought beyond “removing rubbish from rivers and the oceans has to be a good idea…” Hats off to Boyan Slat.

Face Coverings Save Lives Act Today
The Threader Website has a list of seventy papers of which 31 are written in 2020 which promote the benefit of face coverings in a pandemic to slow its spread. Face Coverings To Be Compulsory From 24th July 2020 In England

FoodGate – The Biggest Threat To The West
Sugar the No.1 threat to western life, because politicians needs votes, they dare not mention it but pretty well all of us need to lose some weight.

How Clean Is Hydrogen
Facts not fiction regarding how clean hydrogen and why smart people are not betting on hydrogen to help decarbonise travel and heating. Discover the truth…

Whilst looking for potential backlinks for Dutton-White.com I stumbled across this company https://lunaz.design/cars/aston-martin They take a classic car strip it down…

Musk Foundation Website
The Elon Musk Foundation… A very modest website for one of the richest people in the world. I think this is sending a message to someone, but I do not know who.

New Owner, New Website
Innovation – does not only happen in the field of electronics, cars etc. it is possible to come up with new and fresh ideas if you are a butcher and using that can help bring new customers in and keep your existing customers coming back.

Prawn Farming – Is That The Future?
Fish farming is this future for a more sustainable healthier industry?

Whilst you could create your own website most are missing lots of important detail and sell your services short.

Shenzhen – 16,000 Electric Buses All Tracked In Real Time
Shenzhen – where the electric buses are run by highly intelligent folk who care about the customer experience.

There is no escaping great pictures help make it easier to create an engaging website. Particularly if your gift is to be able to paint classic cars

1st Class Paving & Landscaping
If you have a van having it covered in your livery is a great way to attract more clients in the same street. If you have a website I can supply the correct type of files for your sign writer.
Benefits of Posts
If you think of a website having pages which are the foundational pillars – the key content, posts are often the filler content for those pages, or a chance to make a topical comment. Clearly some subjects and industries lend themselves more easily to topical comment than others. However, with some imagination there are always new developments in all industries and organisations.
Some content might last forever, other content might be superseded by technological change. Tips for VHS video recorders has been replaced by DVDs which have in many cases lost out to streaming services.
For most people their phone has replaced their desire for a camera.
Historical pictures of how people lived in the past will always be of interest to people.
Why Bother With Posts?
If the posts are configured correctly meaning they have the SEO on them there is a good chance they will get indexed in Google. The more you segment your market with a bit of luck the more visibility your website will achieve.
As rough rule of thumb the more pages a website has the better it tends to do in Google (as long as they are quality pages). Why not get in touch and gain more visibility in Google Searches? Call 0121 458 2665 or WhatsApp me or use the Contact Form.

The Aireborough Historical Society website has in excess of 2000 posts.
The content is divided geographically and then by:-
- Businesses
- Clubs
- Events
- Landmarks
- Miscellaneous
- People
- Religious
- Schools
- Sport
Aireborough – A Small Corner of Leeds
With numerous mills this part of Leeds was one of the first to go through the industrial revolution. Today Yeadon one of the constituents is home to the Leeds Bradford Airport. When it was built the AVRO factory was the largest building in Europe.
However, if you wanted to, the same posts content could be organised in addition to the geographical listing and the nine categories by for example pictures of:-
- Horses
- Early vehicles
- Historical events like the Second World War
Clearly not all the content would fit into those categories, but some would and for some people that would make the content more engaging.
No-one, in one go, is going to look through 2,000 pages in one go. Making your content more accessible, will make it more relevant, to a wider audience.
The Aireborough Historical Society website is way past 2 million page views, because it has a lot of content, and has received visitors from virtually every country in the world, despite not spending any money on promotion.
What kinds of website can benefit from this approach?
This only really makes sense if you have at least 20 pages of content. For those who think a 5-page website is going to meet their needs this is not for you. In truth a 5-page website is not going to work for many businesses.
Where this approach will score is if you have many pages. With top navigation you can have around 7 to 9 key headings. Those can have drop down pages, but 7 should be the limit on that. Thus, 9 x 7 = 63. Any site with this many pages or more needs to think of using Query Loop navigation to make the site more manageable for users. This type of navigation can also work well on a 20+ page website where you want to highlight some pages which might be of interest to a browser. Davies Springs > Compression Springs this link shows how all 5 of the various compression springs can be showcased on one page.
Having “Query Loop” navigation is not imperative but does make finding content easier.
The more cards you have the slower the page will load. Any number from 3 to 21 is possible.
If you want to come up in the organic search results in Google then as a general rule the more quality pages a website has the better the chances of being found.
Balloon Navigation – was seen as an answer a few years ago for sites with lots of pages, but it came and went for most people because it is not easy for users to navigate.
If someone is on your website – make it easy to see and go to your goods and services with thumbnail style links.
For more ideas and suggestions for your business please get in touch today 0121 458 2665 or 07980 656 787 or use the contact form.