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Websites – Which Can Expand & Are Editable

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Fresh Enquiries – Sales Leads

For many businesses:-

  • Fresh enquiries
  • New leads
  • New customers

Start off with a website enquiry. One client reported that a new customer who came by their website was spending £20,000 per month with them – £240,000 per year.

If you are not coming up chances are someone else will be, there are virtually no Google searches which produce no results.

Not all websites are equal. Simply because something looks like a website does not mean underneath the surface it has the code to do well in Google.

As a website owner it is unlikely you will be able to spot the issues. For a free website review why not get in touch.

responsive websites

Websites From Novelty In The 1990s To Essential Today

From the rise of the internet in the early 1990s to today, websites have gone from novelty to in many cases driving the whole company. Whilst using a website or series of websites to drive your entire company is not for most businesses organisations, whether you are a one-man band, to larger you need to be found.

Many people use Google in the UK like a telephone directory punching your business name in to the search bar, so they can ring you. You could rely upon a third party listing, but chances are that will be difficult if not impossible to update and correct. Your own website under your control enables you to ensure that your:-

  • Phones numbers are available
  • Address details are accurate – people know where you are
  • The words and pictures are up-to-date
  • Offers are current
  • Terms and Conditions are available
  • Shut down periods are publicised
  • Instructions on how to find you are clear
  • Websites are a good shorthand
  • Tell me more, “have they got a website?”

You might sell a product such as specialist paint – purchasers ask can you apply it? No – but there is a link on our website page to someone who can. Contact them and they will solve your issue.

  • Enables you to sell world wide – even in you are small business with a niche product
  • Stand out from the crowd
  • A place for people to interact with your company to find other resources
  • A directory of suppliers
  • Create a historical record
  • Internal communication with an intranet – a private website for your organisation.

The uses of the internet are numerous and simply keep expanding.

Social Media, Has Limitations

Some people think they can rely upon social media, but when you do you are leaving your business to the mercy of Mark Zuckerberg. Having your own website enables you to have full control of your appearance on the Internet.

A business built on Instagram with 28,000 followers was hacked and at the time of writing that appeared to be the end of that business.

Instagram hacked

Lastly there are numerous social media platforms – being well listed on all is a big job compared to your own website being listed in Google.


Real world experiences gained over many years.

Help and advice on:

  • What works
  • Where people have suffered problems
  • Personal experience

Ecommerce is here to stay, provides opportunities some of which are not immediately obvious.

Doulton Doors

Website Experience In The Real World

In summary Website-Doctor has created numerous websites meeting a wide variety of needs, ranging in size from a half dozen pages to 6,500 pages.

There are TV adverts which suggest that you can create a website in 5-minutes – maybe you can if you edit your commercial, but a successful website will take:-

  • Research – Competitor analysis
  • Colour scheme
  • Logo (which will work on a website)
  • Photos
  • Graphics
  • Text
  • PayPal or similar account (possibly)
  • Domain name

As a starting point – there could be more factors which need to be considered.

Having taken websites from nothing to success most obstacles have been tackled and overcome if you are looking for a partner I would be delighted to discuss how I can help.

Please do get in touch 0121 458 2665 or 07980 656 787 – out of hours use the contact form.

Off course many people already have a website and I have fixed many which were not in good health.

One of the most memorable meetings I have been to was when the MD of a company turning over several million assembled a group of his employees. At the meeting he then proceeded to explain that their sales were up 25% and that was down to the large number of enquiries the website now generated, compared to how it worked before I fixed the 250+ pages and applied best search engine optimisation (SEO) practice to those.

Get Started

Get started today please call 0121 458 2665 – or out of hours please use the contact form.

1Responsive Design – the phrase to describe when a website changes shape to fit the viewing screen.

2Powerful Editing – edit like a Word document.

3Google Analytics – easy to keep track of your visitor numbers and promote with Google Adwords.

4SEO Ready Title and Meta Description for each page easily added.

5Social Media from someone who has actually created content, posted it and interacted with the replies.

6How to bring video in to your communication.

7Huge Experience – 20 years experience – all websites https.

Quick Start – To Improve Your Visibility

Everyone has a strong opinion on websites. I can promise you a service based on experience of what works to get you off to the best possible start.

Tel: 0121 458 2665

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