News Template AKA SEO Content
The Big idea
There are three ways to be found on Google:-
- Organic Results
- Google Ads
- Business Profile Listing
Frequently the organic results is seen as good because it is “free”. In reality not much in life is free. You need a website to be found in Google, but it is lower cost than Google Ads.
Q. How can one improve the chances of coming up in Google Organic Results?
A. More content. Chances are you have “pillar” pages on your website – the core things you offer. Once those pages are in place and have been optimised what more can you do?
News / A blog is a great way to improve your websites chances of coming up in the Google results. Once someone is on your site hopefully they will look at additional pages.
News / A Blog is a great way to increase your visibility in Google.
The big idea is:-
- You
- A colleague
- Someone else
Posts content on your website which increases the number of pages on your site.
This provides a potential opportunity to come up in for more search terms and websites with more pages are often seen as more important.
To make this easier one can push the content in to a template which Website-Doctor will supply. To make this work you will need:-
- You need one picture to go with the story which is landscape (Desktop screens are landscape and there is a bias in computing to make things work landscape.) Ideally 16:9 so 800px wide by 380px deep roughly.
- You need one picture to go with the story which is landscape (Desktop screens are landscape and there is a bias in computing to make things work landscape.) Ideally 16:9 so 800px wide by 380px deep roughly.
- Write the text in Word.
- Click New Post on your website.
- Give the post a name which might have some relationship to what someone else might want. If you are selling F16 jets calling it a F16 would be OK. If you are selling “Dust Extraction For A Saw Mill” I would call it that.
- Click the + and click container.
- Click + and Headlines choose P.
- Then paste the content you have written Word in to box.
- Add the Picture in to the Featured Picture Box.
Go For Glory
Review the Title which has been generated automatically amend if necessary this is what will be seen in Google a green bar will tell you if it is the “right” length not too short not too long.
Description add text to describe the page. i.e. expand the title. This should be an sentence again with words in which people might search for. Not Welcome thanks for taking time to read my thoughts on … but example “Dust extraction system for wood cabinetmaker in Port Talbot South Wales looking to increase productivity.” I.e. Factual short and pithy, not long and waffle.
Click Publish
The output – you will have created a page on the internet which will have a picture.
The Date (that will be added automatically based on the date you generate the content).
The picture of you and your name.
The layout of the picture will be taken care off by the template along with the page.
This will require little more than the effort to create a Word document, a Facebook post or a LinkedIn upload.
The end result on the News page there will be a stream of content.
Why do this?
Google will index this content.
Additional pages on a website will be seen as good.
How often should you do this?
Between once per month and once per week. It depends on your business, and what you have got to say. Most business owners will say what we do is the same week in week out. That could apply to any business but in reality unless you service one client you will be working in different geographical locations even if the service / product is similar.
Supposing everyone does this will that not cancel out the benefit?
There are some people who do this but in truth when you look at what they do they tend to be very weak on the:-
Page Description
I can show you websites of people who are supposed to be experts in marketing who cannot do this correctly.
Miss out the Page Description and you miss out an important chunk of what makes this work. If you miss that out there is less likelihood Google will index your content. If that happens – there is not much point in doing this.
1. Add your plain text to a new page…

2. Add Your Picture 800px x 380px
This does not take long to learn how to do.
From plain text the full width of the page too…

A full page of text converted into a column with the:-
- Date
- Title
- Author picture and Author name added automatically
The picture is brought in, and the blue border effect is added automatically.

3. Title And Description

What happens if you do not add any more text to the Title and Description?
The title is what you see in Google. Therefore, the better your match to what people are looking for the more likely your page will be served up.
The Description. If you do not supply one Google will generate one. If you do supply a description Google reserves the right to create its own. Most of the time Google will go with yours.
When Pages are not indexed in Google it is often the case the title for every page is the same or does not exist and similar with the description. If you are not bothered, neither is Google.