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Social Media

Love it or loath it since the early two thousands social media has been growing. For many industries it has become a key part of communication with your audience.

Platforms have come and gone but some become have become communication standards.

  • YouTube
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn

Are the ones most likely to work.

It is easy to dismiss social media because it does not reach everyone but when “word of mouth” is added in to the mix it can reach a long way.

Regular news stories with a relevant picture offer a good opportunity to grow your audience, if you would like help in making more of social media for your organisation please get in touch telephone 0121 458 2665.

As with almost all communication the first place to start is at least one picture. Most stories without a picture are very dull. If in doubt take a look at one of the most viewed websites in the world Daily Mail Online. Next a link to something frequently makes sense.

Providing a shout-out to others on the worldwide helps raise your profile.

When I was Marketing Director at Kings Norton through regular posts with a picture I was able to add hundreds more Facebook users to the followers. Some might call it free advertising but in reality it does take time and effort to generate the stories and pictures and upload it all.