Paper Directories Get Thinner Every Issue
Once newspapers provided for many people the main opportunity to promote themselves. Since the rise of the internet newspapers have been in retreat. Smartphones accelerated that trend. Covid further reduced the demand for paper newspapers. The only realistic way to reach new customers is a website.
If you couple that with some signage on your van to promote your website you have the tools you need for the future.
What you need:-
- A few pictures
- Tell me words
- The geographical area you cover.
and I can do the rest. Example Driveways Patios Birmingham.
Some signage on your vehicle is a good idea.

Help does not stop at a website:-
- Business cards / letterheads / stationery / leaflets (Once upon a time I sold £2+m of print per year – obviously there is much less demand for print today.)
- Logos for clothing
- QR Codes
The list goes on flags, vouchers, videos, and of course Google Ads, Facebook advertising, and of course ads for print.