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Google Is Pickier Than It Once Was

For your information to be found in a Google search it needs to be indexed in Google.

In the beginning Google indexed anything and everything. If you searched on someone’s name before GDPR kicked in around the world it was amazing what could be trawled up. Since GDPR or its equivalent the amount of data Google makes available has been massively reduced.

Ignoring whether that is good or bad the issue is these days Google is pickier about what it will index. Gone are the days when you could just create a website page and Google would hover up all the content. These days it can pay to make your content comply with “Structured Data”. That does not guarantee you will come up on the first page of results, but it increases the probability of being found in search results.

If you have created excellent content – far better to put that in a newsletter on your website and ask members to view the content on your website than send them a long email, where chances are that content is going to become buried within a few days beneath many more emails.

If your website is modern then it will be readable on your smartphone.

Google has a page where you can test how your website and pages score on Google.

Google Rich Results

Does It Matter?

Unless your content is aimed at a restricted audience then it is better to come up with structured data than not to.

If your website does not have structured data it can still appear in the search results but might risk appearing lower down in the results.

Test A Website…

Having got the information where now?

Depends upon your goals.

I Can Create Structured Data For Your Website:-

  • FAQs
  • Product Listings
  • Details About Your Company and Articles

Unless you are intending to become a web developer this is a job to delegate, if you think website code looks complicated then you will be amazed at how rich results data looks. However, rich results data is written for computer robots to read and absorb not humans. Indeed, on the surface of a website there is nothing to see. Only if you look at the page source and the code which creates the website will you actually see the rich code data.

If you are looking to increase your visibility on the internet, social media and such like and need some help please call 0121 458 2665 or 07980 656 787 or if it is late / weekend please use our contact form, and we will call you back.
