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Recent Projects

A layout like this is a great way to showcase content, if the content was a monthly newsletter making the first one the most recent one would make a lot of sense but supposing they were cards were exhibitors at an event. That might not be very popular, however there is a solution. Random. Each time the page loads the order is refreshed.

How many cards can you have one on page?
That depends upon how they are constructed. The key point is that the row on a desktop runs round to become a column.
If the cards are 3 wide 8 rows = 24 which is a fair amount of content, to have in one column on a phone.
If you want less rows that is perfectly possible and you could have any overspill appear on page 2 or more. The overspill grows automatically for as many pages as you want.
Back-Chat has roughly 100 pages.
Aireborough Historical Society extends for 2000 pages.
