Talking With Docs, Tips Hints and Advice
The “Talking with Docs” YouTube channel is two doctors taking 10 to 20 minutes to talk about a topic in an upbeat style. They do have a sense of humour which constantly comes through. This web page is a summary of their content.
They are Canadian and are well worth a watch if you, or your friends / family have any interest in health, but cannot face a 90-minute lecture every week from some dull academics.
These guys do not push any products.

If you see something on YouTube or the internet you might want to consider giving it a shout-out on your website. It might be a good fit to your core proposition, and perhaps making part of a page will make a lot of sense. Possibly it will not. If it does not fit in well, but you still want to give it a shout-out a blog section on your website is another option.
There are lots of people offering to provide links from their website to yours for a fee. That basically breaks the ethos behind Google where the big idea is that links from respected websites are like citations at the foot of a page in book. Good websites would be frequently cited, and poor websites would have fewer links.
Whilst using these services might seem a good idea Google knows which sites they are, and they add to the number of backlinks to your website but not the quality, if caught Google says you will be moved down the listings in results.
Asking someone for a link from their website to yours is a bigger ask than if you say it the other way round. I.e. you can direct them to a page on your website which gives them a mention and has a link on your website to theirs.
If you own a Pub or a B & B
- Attractions
- Clothing shop
- Events
- Ferry
- Festivals
- Fishing
- Garages
- Golf club
- History – local
- Historic railway
- Local council
- Pubs
- Rambling clubs
- Restaurants
- Services in the area
- Sporting connections
- Walks
Ideas who you could link to.

They in return could say if you are thinking of visiting the area why not book yourself an overnight stay at a local B and B and provide a link to your website.
Who should go first? If you go first and create a link from a page on your website to theirs it makes it easier to explain what you are seeking.
If you are a group of businesses in an area there are two ways of looking at this.
You could be losing trade to someone else, or if we all pool our energy, perhaps we can make this a more popular destination that will benefit all the businesses in the area, and I will be one of those.
Pareto Principle
80% of outcomes come from 20% of causes. Turns out 80% of businesses make no effort to generate any links to other businesses and therefore few people create links to them. Which means if you do make an effort to be the “odd” one out you will stand out from the crowd. A typical B and B has less than 5 links to it.

If you created one link to another website per month – 12 in one year, and you got back 9 to your website. You would have more links than most B and Bs.
The Watts Russell Arms – a delightful pub in the Derbyshire Peak District has 6 backlinks.
Backlinks – I can tell how many backlinks any business has
Backlinks are not dead. What Google does not like are backlinks which you have bought – you have paid for. They stand out like a sore thumb when anyone investigates them.
Website-Doctor sites have the option if you want to add your own content you can – with a username and password you can add pictures and text. The Aireborough Historical Society website had more than 2000 pages and thousands of pictures most added by their own volunteers. I set up the initial pages and then taught them how to add more.

How Long Do Links Last?
It is possible that links can last for many years. If someone creates a website and there is a link on it to yours and that website domain name keeps being renewed it could be more than 10-years. In answering this question I took a look at backlinks to Website-Doctor and found some which are over 12-years old.
This domain name was first registered back in 2006 by me. Whilst websites do come and go creating a programme of genuine and useful backlinks will create an enduring legacy. Many marketing initiatives have a fairly short life, but a programme of backlinks could be paying dividends in many years time.