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Relax and Progress

Relax and Progress


Someone had built Theresa a website for the domain name relaxandprogress.co.uk I can only surmise that the business relationship had gone sour.
The pictures on this site appeared as thumbnails and yet they were huge. I salvaged the pictures. Edited them to be a sensible size for a website.
Fixed the lack of Search Engine Opimisation (SEO)  added schema which Google likes made the navigation easier.
The book sales links were broken (none existent).
The favicon was missing I added one.
The contact form did not send (Google changed the parameters required to send email to a Gmail account.) I fixed that.


In a sentence I fixed all the issues which Theresa knew about and all the ones she was unaware off.
Overall this is the website it should have been. Theresa did say she had wished she had found me sooner.

If you are looking to increase your visibility on the internet, social media and such like and need some help please call 0121 458 2665 or 07980 656 787 or if it is late / weekend please use our contact form, and we will call you back.
