Home ยป What Do Users Want

What Do Website Users Want?

What do your users want?

  • Easy to find information
  • Authentic
  • Believable
  • Geographically relevant to them in relation to the service they are looking for. You can download software from anywhere โ€“ if you need a plumber ideally someone in your town, not several hundred miles away.
  • Text, easy to read
  • Often a phone number which they can call 0121 458 2665.

Easy Editable Websites

In some cases owners want to be able to edit their website once it is constructed. In other cases many owners realise in reality they will never have time. They realise SEO Search Engine Optimisation is an ongoing job.

Whether you are looking for:-

  • A new website
  • Help with making Google advertising work
  • A website you can edit yourself (If you want)

Help is at hand – one point of contact, swift implementation – a deep understanding of what works and what does not. Please call 0121 458 2665 or WhatsApp 07980 656 787.

If users get to a website, and they cannot find the information they are looking for, they will go back to the search engine and look again. When they find it, can they believe it, trust it, is it geographically relevant to them. Can they see how they can get in contact?
In a perfect world having your own pictures, text and an authentic message can go a long way. Stock images can fill a gap, but some have been used literally many thousands of times. If possible take your own pictures on your phone. Take them landscape. Chances are you will have a high definition option – that can work well.